Wednesday, April 20, 2011

...the one i didn't wan to do!...LOL

So i probaby stood there for 5 minutes screwing around, checking my watch, stretching (again), looking around, messin with my ipod...LOL...i really didn't want to do this one! HA!

50 box jumps (20 inch box)
50 situps

40 box jumps
40 situps

30 box jumps
30 situps

20 box jumps
20 situps

10 box jumps
10 situps

It took me 20 minutes and 8 seconds! phew!

So glad when it was over! Ever since my box jumping accident on the 24 inch box, I don't like box jumps anymore....i have this rediculous fear that it will happen again! owell....
can't wait to see your posting!

Monday, April 18, 2011

my first post in over a week!

Ok, todays wod was scaled down because i was affraid to try it Rx...anyway here it is: run 100m, 25 strict pushups, run 100m 25 situps, run 100m, 25 airsquats, run 100m, 25 back extensions. I did three rounds of this in 22:45 minutes! The original wod was to do 50 reps of each instead of just seemed too big for me...owell...the wod i did was a great challenge in itself! the kids go on spring break starting thursday, so i have to make sure i get in 3 good wods monday thru wednesday! love ya sista! Sidra
so i totally spaced posting my wods last week and now, for the life of me, i can't remember any of them!!! i know i did a wod mon, tues, wed, fri, and sat....but they've escaped my memory! ugh! so i vow to post all my wods this week without fail! jeez-leweez! Hope you're feeling better and back in the box doing killer wods with all your newfound energy! love ya, sis! Sidra

Saturday, April 9, 2011

...the one with the whole fam!...

Today we had the kids work out with reason why we can't get them started on fitness while they're young! Andy,Zion, and Zada did crabwalking for 2 straight minutes and then our wod: AMRAP 12 minutes: Turkish gettups (15 #) 3 with right arm, and 3 with left arm and 6 burpees. I did four rounds, the turkish gettups and 1 burpee! was rough! Zion did the wod with us as RX'd and Zada just did burpees the whole time...they did great...and it was harder than i thought it would be! love ya! keep on keeping on!

Friday, April 8, 2011

....the one where i tore my hand for the first time....

OUCH! Todays wod was: 25 kb swings (I did #26) 250M row 7 rounds for time My time was 19:58. Killer wod and I have some serious blisters and one of them tore so my hands are a little! PALEO is going great so far! I really haven't been that hungry as long as I eat every couple hours. And honestly I don't miss my diet coke....yet. LOL! Here has been my typical menu this week: Breakfast:banana or couple slices of ham and avocado or eggs with green chili salsa (yum) Lunch:chicken cooked in olive oil and garlic with onions and mushrooms (I cooke a huge pan of this on Monday and it lasted me all week. It is so yummy and can eaten cold.) slice 1/2 avocado on top and some fruit Dinner: more of the same meat and veggies! I drink tons more water so that helps keep me full and I discovered these awesome fruit and nut bars (LARABARS) that help me get my sweet tooth on! :) I am eating lots of pistachios and had a banana with almond butter today after my yummy! Anyways, I need to just keep some variety so I don't get bored. I am going to try and eat more veggies this weekend. I had a headache for the first few days, but some Advil took care of that! I miss you.. your wods look great this week! Good job on posting....sorry I am a slacker that way. I will try to do better. Luvs, Liesl

Thursday, April 7, 2011

my arms are shot!!!!!!!!!!!

So i totally killed my arms today!!! 21-15-9 of modified handstand pushups, dips, and strict pushups....ugh! way harder than i thought it would be....and i finished in 13 minutes and 49 seconds! feel the burn! hope you're still going strong on the paleo! Love ya!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


AMRAP 5 minutes 50# squat cleans 50# jerk I did 18 rounds. was totally hard...made me feel like a wuss!!! take care! Sidra